
信息来源:广东省残疾人联合会 时间:2009-12-14 字体: [大] [中] [小]

丹麦残联顾问Steen Christiansen





在丹麦,我们说你总是可以这样评判一个社会 ,就是看它如何对待其最弱势的公民。这些人包括一般的残疾人,特别是那些有着严重残疾的人。
















你也可以创设一种服务,通过它残疾人可以寻求协助,以便去看一场演出 、去购物、去拜访朋友或者只是去散散步。你可以组织一批可以帮助完成这些事情的志愿者。




A small contribution to the development of The Chinese Way for the disabled.

First of all I will like to thank all at the CDPF who has given me the opportunity to express my views and has encourage me to present my many years experience in the field of organizing activities for persons with severe disability, so they are able to have a chance of a life with quality.
From Denmark I have seen how fast China has moved towards given its many citizens a life in prosperity and hope. China is becoming closer to a modern society within the speed of lightning.
But the modern society also has its dark sides. Heavy traffic demands its victims. Car accidents where people are disabled and the new wealth for many Chinese create a rise in the number of diabetics and people suffering from hearth illness.
Al this requires more attention to how a society handle the well being of its disabled citizens.
Through my presentation I hope to give a tiny contribution to how you chose to develop your Chinese way. The social systems in Denmark and China are different. But as human beings we all have the same task. To create possibilities for those who are disabled. Possibilities for the severe disabled to have a life with quality and a chance to contribute to the society less or much according to there ability.
In Denmark we say you can always judge a society according to how it treats its most vulnerable citizens. Among them are persons with disability in generel and specifically those with severe disability.
Some years ago in Denmark I introduced a great number of representatives from CDPF to activities for mainly young persons with disability. Some years ago with a group of representatives from Denmark I visited CDPF and was introduced to different activities for disabled in various places of China.
I have a long life experience in Denmark organizing activities in Denmark for disabled who needs an alternative to a regular job. Those persons had such a severe disability that they would not be able to support themselves through a regular job.
No matter how disabled you are, everyone wants to become a part of the society and contribute like everyone else to the community. This motivation is a driving force for the disabled persons effort to join in.
In this presentation I will only focus on activities as an alternative to work. Im well aware that equality and accessibility for the disabled is a must for the whole society. But your time is valuable, and my time is limited.
For those persons with disability who are able to work in the private sector, or participate in some sort of production should do so.
For those who cannot find a job in the privat sector the state or local public sector must provide jobs for persons with disability. Being active will prevent isolation or segregation from the community Jobs for persons with severe disability is not a job in the regular way.
The purpose is not to earn money or get a career advancement.
The purpose is to be a part of the society. To get a life with quality through activities among others mainly with disability. Meaning that you have to have staff to create and organize the activity, and to assist the persons with disability in their efforts. You have to design the activity according to the ability for each disabled person.
It could be drawing a picture or making crafts of clay assisted by the staff.
It coud be a walk in the wheelchair in the woods, pushed by the staff, learning about the birds.
It could be assisting as much as possible the staff in making dinner for others with disability
It could be visiting an exhibition, concert or play and afterwards talking about what you have seen
It could horseback riding without being able to ride a horse, but you can smell it, see it, clap it or if you are able enough ride it together with a teacher sitting behind you.
All this can be done individually or in groups. There is no limit for the creativity. But it must be
organized. Small things with huge personal effect.
For many of you this type of activity could be called entertainment. For the disabled it’s an important alternative to isolation and segregation.
You can also create a service, where persons with disability can call for assistance to go see a show, shop, visit friends or just take a walk. You can organize a group of volunteers who can assist in this matters.
Either you live by yourself, with your family or in an institution, I will suggest there should be daily activities and routines, so each person with disability will create a feeling of becoming valuable for the society.
At my visits in various places in China, I have often seen wonderful parks surrounding the institutions for the disabled. I will suggest that persons with a disability should always live on the ground floor, so they can choose to go out in the park, when they like to. I will suggest that the environment these places should be equipped and organized so it’s safe for the disabled to choose their own way. The staff has an important part in this, physically and mentally. The staff should be engaged in the task of  filling the life of the disabled with quality and assist them to a life as close to the possibilities that any other member of the society has.
Meaning that persons with disabilities should live in the community, with choices equal to others, and shall take effective and appropriate measures to facilitate full enjoyment by persons with disabilities of this right and their full inclusion and participation in the community.

