
信息来源:广东省残疾人联合会 时间:2009-12-14 字体: [大] [中] [小]

瑞典辅助用具协会董事Kerstin Heinemann


残疾人必须有机会行使他们作为公民的权利并履行他们的义务。其理念是将残疾观点主流化到整个瑞典社会之中,而不仅仅局限于健康 护理和社会服务部门。



1. 确定和去除社会的全面参与和完全平等的障碍

2. 防止和打击歧视

3. 促进残疾男孩和女孩、残疾成年男子和女子之间的平等




1993 年,联合国发布了文件,名为《联合国残疾人机会均等标准规则》。该文件成为了瑞典残疾政策的奠基石。

1994年,进行了涉及补充性支援和有关专题的最重要的改革。残疾人获得了个人协助的权利。对于有广泛残疾的人群,这代表了一种革命。他们所获得的协助开创了他们过去不曾有过的机会, 比如在他们自己的日常生活中决定各项事务以及在家管理他们的学习和工作。





残疾人的志愿组织对瑞典残疾政策起了重要的作用。50 年多年以来,它们一直在影响着政策的方向,并且与所有层面的瑞典政策制定者建立了良好的合作。拿我来说,作为县议会的成员,后来又称为瑞典国会的成员,我可以告诉你们,志愿组织对我在这个领域的工作一直十分重要。




行政市负责这类事情,比如学校教育和社会服务。他们也有根本责任以公共支持服务的形式为每个公民提供基本保障。提供个人协助的预见、精神残疾人群的个人代表,以及给予自适应住所(adapting homes)或者机动车辆,旨在让有广泛残疾的人能够过上独立的、积极的生活。


到目前为止,瑞典做了很多工作, 但是还不够,我们必须继续改善我们的国家。所做的许多事情不仅对残疾人有好处,也对每个人都有好处。


The introduction of Swedish disability policy

Kerstin Heinemann

Ensuring that people with disabilities have power and influence over their everyday lives has long been the prime goal of Swedish disability policy. Now it has shifted to democracy and human rights.
People with disabilities must have the opportunity to exercise their rights as citizens and to fulfill their obligations. The idea is for the disability perspective to be mainstreamed into Swedish society as a whole and not be confined to the health care and social services sector.
In year 2000 was a national plan on disability policy adapted called “From Patient to Citizen”. Before the Government action in this area was on social issues and welfare matters. The emphasis today is more on democracy and human rights. Swedish disability policy has been given a clear-cut citizens perspective.
Broad-based solutions have been set for a society that is accessible from as many aspects as possible and to as many citizens as possible. This is seen as a way of avoiding the need for special solutions for certain groups. Therefore, Swedish disability policy, now is concentrating on:
1 .Identifying and removing obstacles to full participation and full equality in the society
2. Preventing ad fighting discrimination
3. Promoting equality between disabled girls and boys, women and men
The disability perspectives is to become a natural part of policymaking and all public activities
Public officials are to be trained in disability issues so that disabled persons are not prevented from exercising their rights as citizens as result of ignorance or degrading treatment or both.
Now some important steps made in this area.
In 1993 the UN introduced the document “The Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for persons with Disabilities”. That document has been a cornerstone of Swedish disability policy.
One of the most important reforms concerning supplementary support and related feature was introduced in 1994. Disabled people were given the right to personal assistance. For people with extensive disabilities, this represented something of a revolution. The assistance they received opened up opportunities that had not previously been available to them, such as deciding matters in their own everyday lives and managing their studies a job and at home
Also in 1994 a Disability Ombudsman was appointed to supervise compliance with the rules.
When in 2000 the Swedish Parliament adopted the national action plan for disability policy, Sweden moves a step closer to a universally accessible society. The plan extends to next year.
The Swedish Government has also taken part in the UN′s efforts to develop the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which was adopted in December 2006. This Convention strengthens the respect for the human rights of persons with disabilities. The Convention is legally binding.
Thereby has Sweden committed itself to ensuring that national legalization does not discriminate against disabled persons?
It is not only the Parliament, Government and other officials who have worked in this area.
Disabled people′s voluntary organizations have had an important part in Swedish disability policy.
For over 50 years they have been influencing the policy direction and its cooperation with Swedish policymakers at all levels is well established. For myself as both a member of a County Council and later as a member of the Swedish Parliament I can tell you that the voluntary organizations have been very important for my work in this field.
Now I want to give you a short description how the public support is organized.
The Government and the Parliament establish guidelines for disability policy, principally through legalization. Government agencies have a national responsibility for specific sectors, including education, health care and employment. Their task is to force the pace of development in their particular sector and ensure compliance with established policy.
The county councils are responsible for health and medical care, which includes rehabilitation/ habilitation, assistive technology, interpreting services (for hearing-impaired) and dental care for certain disabled individuals.
The municipalities are responsible for such matters as school education and social services. They also have ultimate responsibility for providing the individual citizen with basic security in the form of public support and services. Input such as the prevision of personal assistance, personal representatives for people with mental disabilities, and grants for adapting homes or motor vehicles, is designed to enable people with extensive disabilities to lead independent and active lives.
The government grants made available to the municipalities for such activities are an important feature of disability policy.
A lot have been done in Sweden until now, but it is not enough we have to continue to make our country even better. A lot of things which has been done are not only good for persons with disabilities are also good for everyone.
In the beginning of this speech, I mentioned that a broad-based solution is important to make a society that is accessible to so many people citizens as possible. I am sure that that is the right way to go for a society for all citizens.

