
信息来源:广东省残疾人联合会 时间:2010-01-08 字体: [大] [中] [小]


Jean Van Wetter(尚维德)—国际助残驻华代表

广州 - 2009年12月1-3日









为此,改善康复服务是一个巨大挑战。即使政府增加财政鼓励措施以改善康复服务的享受情况,合格的康复治疗师的巨大缺口也是一个问题。例如,根据人民大学所做的一项研究3,中国目前物理治疗师的人数是5,000。按其占人口的比例,这表示每260,000人才有一名物理治疗师,而发达国家的平均数是,每1,400 人有一名物理治疗师。


1.世界银行 (2009)- 从贫困地区到贫困人口: 中国正在展开的扶贫议事日程——行动纲要:



International Forum on Social Security and Social Services for People with Disabilities

Guangzhou - 1st – 3rd December 2009

Speech of Jean Van Wetter – China Director of Handicap International


Although the living environment has considerably improved over the last 30 years in China, the number of people living in poverty remains high. In this context, persons with disabilities represent one of the most vulnerable groups, poverty being both a cause and a consequence of disability. A recent World Bank report1 shows that because incomes matter more now than they used to for access and outcomes in health, the burden of health expenditures for the poor has increased. As a consequence, vulnerability to poverty is widespread, especially in rural China, and the number of those vulnerable to the risk of falling into poverty is about twice as high as the number of poor in a given year.
According to the Second China national sample survey on disability (2006), the average annual income per person with disabilities is currently less than half of the average national annual income per person. Persons with disabilities account for 1/3 of the poor in rural areas. There are more than 83 millions people with disabilities in China and only 1/3 of those needing rehabilitation services currently have access to them and only 1/5 of those needing assistive devices receive them. Similar figures apply for access to access education2 and employment.
The challenges in setting up an appropriate social security system are therefore enormous and Handicap International is very proud to collaborate with the China Disabled Persons Federation (CDPF) for this international forum. By ratifying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in June 2008, the Chinese Government has made a great commitment in improving social benefits for persons with disabilities (cf. article 28).
The key for China is to find the right balance between providing social benefits that allow more people to access quality services (rehabilitation, education, vocational training…) while avoiding dependency on the long-term disability benefits that are being set up.
According the International Social Security Association (ISSA), most of the advanced economies have indeed witnessed significant increase in the number of people receiving long-term disability benefits over the last 20 years and the financial sustainability of those systems is a key concern. Many OECD countries are now spending twice as much on disability benefits as on unemployment benefits. Several measures are therefore currently promoted by the ISSA to reduce the development of disability and the number of people needing long-term disability benefits. Those measures include the following:
-Promote early rehabilitation, retraining, and prevention;
-Encourage work retention and work resumption
-Activate employer participation in employee rehabilitation.
To this regard, improvement of rehabilitation services is a huge challenge. Even if the Government improves financial incentives to improve access to rehabilitation services, the huge shortage of qualified rehabilitation therapists is an issue. For example, according to a research by the Renmin University3 , the current number of physiotherapists in China is 5,000. As a percentage of the population, it represents only 1 physiotherapist per 260,000, while on average in developed countries, the number of physiotherapists is 1 per 1,400 persons.
Another challenge for China will be to find flexible solutions for rural areas where 75% of the disabled population live. In those areas, on top of the official Government social security systems and services, community-based initiatives taken by the private sector and the civil society to empower persons with disabilities need to be further promoted. Those include vocational training, micro-credit and grassroots income generating strategies.

1. World Bank (2009)- From poor areas to poor people : China’s evolving Poverty reduction agenda - Executive Summary :
http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/EASTASIAPACIFICEXT/CHINAEXTN/0,,contentMDK:22131856~pagePK:1411 37~piPK:141127~theSitePK:318950,00.html :
2.Almost 40% of children with disabilities aged 6 to 14 do not have access to school.
3.Sun shuhan and Mao ailin-Rehabilitation Demand and Supply for Disabled People in China -School of Labor and Human Resources - Renmin University of China

