
信息来源:广东省残疾人联合会 时间:2010-01-13 字体: [大] [中] [小]

张殿清  河北大学副教授 博士







关键词: 残疾人 社会福利 英国

The modern welfare system of disabled people in UK evolved from the Poor Law issued in 1601
and got fully established after World War II after more than 300 year’s development. Accordingly, the institutions in charge of the wefare of the disabled people also changed from the church to parishes and at last to the central government.
The church was the first institution that provided welfare to disabled people. In the Middle Ages, it not only taxed one tenth taxation on all the followers, owned productive estates but also received donations from the nobles. The substantial income of the church helped finance the wefare of the disabled.
After the reformation, the chuch was deprived of the estates and thus had no ability to sponsor the wefare of the disabled people. Instead the early modern royal government had to shoulder the social relief responsiblilty to ensure social security. However, due to the unestablishment of the natioan taxation system and the government system, the central government was incapable of handling the social relief for the whole country and had to depend on the parish to collect Poor Relief Tax so as to relieve those poor and disabled.

With the development of industrial revolution, social problems became more serous. To cope with the changed situation, New Poor Law was issued in 1832. From then on, the central government took over the welfare work and set up a special institution to superve the local government. At the same time, a special organization for disabled people was added to the congress. During this period, taxation was the main channel to collect relief money.
After the WWII, a new comprehensive social security system was introduced based on the Beveridges’Report. It covered social insurance and social secrurity, ensuring the disabled to share equal l personal, political and s developmental rights with others. UK became the first welfare country of the world. The social secrutiy funds mainly come from the natioanl finance. Besides the insurance offered by the disabled people employed and by their employors, social donation and investment fund profits are the other three important sources.
The survey of the developemnt of welfare system in UK shows the increasing importance of central government in social wefare of the disabled people.
Key words。 the disabled people the social welfare system the United Kingdom

